Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's been a long time, but. here is some FUN NAIL POLISH IDEAS!

WOW, it's been almost 3 months since I last did a post! I've been doing a lot this summer and sort of put my beauty routine on the sideline. My first priority this summer has been my husband and children. Spending the summer enjoying the time we have together has been amazing. My second priority has been trying to lose the 30lbs, yes I said 30lbs, I gained since my December 2010 wedding which has been a huge struggle and I have just now only begun to lose some of the weight (I will do some updates on that subject later). Thirdly, I have been helping out my family accomplish some projects that need to be finished around our house. Re-siding the house, keeping up the lawn, keeping up the inside, etc. all adds up to a lot of time, but most of my time is spent watching my kids. I still teach two days a week at my parents' music studio so that has been a priority. And a big priority that I have had this summer is trying to become a happier, healthier person mentally, not just physically. I have been in a rut when it comes being depressed. With my weight issues, self-esteem issues, and the pressure of motherhood and providing for my family as much as I can on my back, it has all started to weigh me down till I have trouble getting up. But I am slowly getting better with the help of my husband and family. My husband is entering his last year as a History major at IUPUI and hopes to begin pursuing a career in Washington DC starting this winter so that gives me something to look forward to. But now on to beauty stuff.

One of the best things about summer is all the bright colors that come out to play. Bright pinks, oranges, yellows, purples, and blues are fabulous colors to use during the summer time. I am a black and white person, I try to stick with black and white clothing, but one way I add that splash of summer fun is through NAIL POLISH! I am in love with nail polish! Everything from neon pink to neon green, two-toned nails to mix-matched fingernails and toenails. Here are some of my favorite colors and styles that have been out this summer:

From Index to Pinky: China Glaze in Peachy Keen, Color Club in Coral Cascade, OPI in Back to the Beach Peach, Lippmann in Daytripper

Good Choice would be "Lindsey" by Zoya

Pink by Sinful Colors (available at Meijer)

Turquoise and Caicos by Essie

First apply a bright pink nail polish with no sparkle in it to your entire nail, let completely dry, take a heavy glitter polish in gold ( ) and wipe off excess, start at the nail bed and swipe the nail lightly all the way to the tip making it lighter at the tip

Apply a pink nail polish to the entire nail, let completely dry, use a piece of tape or french manicure strips to make line and fill tip in with white, take a tiny brush (as tiny as possible, get it at art store) and make white dots on the pink area and pink dots on the white area

Looks difficult but it's not! Get a set of French Tip Fake Nails. DON'T APPLY YET! Pick one of the nails to be decorated. Take a tiny paint brush and using black nail polish make the eyes and whiskers, then a yellow polish for the nose, then make a bow with a light pink polish. After it's completely dry, apply fake nails to nails. (If you are lucky to have long enough nails to not need fake ones, try doing it on just one finger on one hand)

Apply a bright yellow polish to the entire nail, let completely dry, using tape or french manicure strips make a line and fill in tip with a bright pink polish

A great idea is to not match your toenails to your fingernails but use, for instance, bright yellow on your toes and an equally as bright pink on your fingers. So there you have it! My favorite nail colors and ideas. I may be a stay-at-home mom who happens to be a hermit, but I do love making my nails pretty even if I am the only one who gets to see them! Colorful fingernails and toenails are always a great pick me up.

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